Fly CLI cheat sheet

  • agent - Commands that manage the Fly agent, a background process that manages flyctl wireguard connections
    • ping - Ping the Fly agent
    • restart - Restart the Fly agent
    • run - Run the Fly agent in the foreground
    • start - Start the Fly agent
    • stop - Stop the Fly agent
  • apps - Manage apps.
    • create - Create a new application.
    • destroy - Permanently destroy an app.
    • errors - View application errors on
    • list - List applications.
    • move - Move an app to another organization.
    • open - Open browser to current deployed application
    • releases - List app releases
    • restart - Restart an application.
  • auth - Manage authentication
    • docker - Authenticate docker
    • login - Log in a user
    • logout - Logs out the currently logged in user
    • signup - Create a new fly account
    • token - Show the current auth token
    • whoami - Displays the users email address/service identity currently authenticated and in use.
  • certs - Manage certificates
    • add - Add a certificate for an app.
    • check - Checks DNS configuration
    • list - List certificates for an app.
    • remove - Removes a certificate from an app
    • show - Shows certificate information
  • checks - Manage health checks
    • list - List health checks
  • config - Manage an app's configuration
    • env - Display an app's runtime environment variables
    • save - Save an app's config file
    • show - Show an app's configuration
    • validate - Validate an app's config file
  • console - Run a console in a new or existing machine
  • consul - Enable and manage Consul clusters
    • attach - Attach Consul cluster to an app
    • detach - Detach Consul cluster from an app
  • dashboard - Open web browser on Fly Web UI for this app
    • metrics - Open web browser on Fly Web UI for this app's metrics
  • deploy - Deploy Fly applications
  • dig - Make DNS requests against's internal DNS server
  • docs - View Fly documentation
  • doctor - The DOCTOR command allows you to debug your Fly environment
    • diag - Send diagnostic information about your applications back to
  • extensions - Extensions are additional functionality that can be added to your Fly apps
    • arcjet - Provision and manage Arcjet
    • enveloop - Provision and manage Enveloop projects
    • kafka - Provision and manage Upstash Kafka clusters
    • sentry - Setup a Sentry project for this app
    • storage - Provision and manage Tigris object storage buckets
    • supabase - Provision and manage Supabase Postgres databases
    • vector - Provision and manage Upstash Vector index
  • image - Manage app image
    • show - Show image details.
    • update - Updates the app's image to the latest available version.
  • incidents - Show incidents
    • list - List active incidents.
  • ips - Manage IP addresses for apps
  • jobs - Show jobs at
    • open - Open
  • launch - Create and configure a new app from source code or a Docker image
  • litefs-cloud - LiteFS Cloud management commands
    • clusters - Manage LiteFS Cloud clusters
    • export - Export LiteFS Cloud database
    • import - Import SQLite database into LiteFS Cloud
    • regions - List LiteFS Cloud regions
    • restore - Restore LiteFS Cloud database
    • status - Show LiteFS Cloud cluster status
  • logs - View app logs
  • machine - Manage Fly Machines.
    • api-proxy - Establish a proxy to the Machine API through a Wireguard tunnel for local connections
    • clone - Clone a Fly Machine
    • cordon - Deactivate all services on a machine
    • create - Create, but don't start, a machine
    • destroy - Destroy Fly machines
    • exec - Execute a command on a machine
    • kill - Kill (SIGKILL) a Fly machine
    • leases - Manage machine leases
    • list - List Fly machines
    • restart - Restart one or more Fly machines
    • run - Run a machine
    • start - Start one or more Fly machines
    • status - Show current status of a running machine
    • stop - Stop one or more Fly machines
    • uncordon - Reactivate all services on a machine
    • update - Update a machine
  • orgs - Commands for managing Fly organizations
    • create - Create an organization
    • delete - Delete an organization
    • invite - Invite user (by email) to organization
    • list - Lists organizations for current user
    • remove - Remove a user from an organization
    • show - Show information about an organization
  • ping - Test connectivity with ICMP ping messages
  • platform - Fly platform information
    • regions - List regions
    • status - Show current platform status with an optional filter for maintenance or incidents in json mode (eg. incidents, maintenance)
    • vm-sizes - List VM Sizes
  • postgres - Manage Postgres clusters.
    • attach - Attach a postgres cluster to an app
    • barman - Manage databases in a cluster
    • config - Show and manage Postgres configuration.
    • connect - Connect to the Postgres console
    • create - Create a new Postgres cluster
    • db - Manage databases in a cluster
    • detach - Detach a postgres cluster from an app
    • events - Track major cluster events
    • failover - Failover to a new primary
    • import - Imports database from a specified Postgres URI
    • list - List postgres clusters
    • renew-certs - Renews the SSH certificates for the Postgres cluster.
    • restart - Restarts each member of the Postgres cluster one by one.
    • users - Manage users in a postgres cluster
  • proxy - Proxies connections to a Fly Machine.
  • redis - Launch and manage Redis databases managed by
    • connect - Connect to a Redis database using redis-cli
    • create - Create an Upstash Redis database
    • dashboard - View your Upstash Redis databases on the Upstash web console
    • destroy - Permanently destroy an Upstash Redis database
    • list - List Upstash Redis databases for an organization
    • plans - List available Redis plans
    • proxy - Proxy to a Redis database
    • reset - Reset the password for an Upstash Redis database
    • status - Show status of a Redis database
    • update - Update an Upstash Redis database
  • releases - List app releases
  • scale - Scale app resources
    • count - Change an app's VM count to the given value
    • memory - Set VM memory
    • show - Show current resources
    • vm - Change an app's VM to a named size (eg. shared-cpu-1x, performance-1x, performance-2x...)
  • secrets - Manage application secrets with the set and unset commands.
    • deploy - Deploy staged secrets for an application
    • import - Set secrets as NAME=VALUE pairs from stdin
    • list - List application secret names, digests and creation times
    • set - Set one or more encrypted secrets for an application
    • unset - Unset one or more encrypted secrets for an application
  • services - Show the application's services
    • list - List services
  • settings - Manage flyctl settings
  • sftp - Get or put files from a remote VM.
    • find - The SFTP FIND command lists files (from an optional root directory) on a remote VM.
    • get - The SFTP GET retrieves a file from a remote VM.
    • shell - The SFTP SHELL command brings up an interactive SFTP session to fetch and push files from/to a VM.
  • ssh - Use SSH to log into or run commands on Machines
    • console - Connect to a running instance of the current app.
    • issue - Issue a new SSH credential
    • log - Log of all issued SSH certs
    • sftp - Get or put files from a remote VM.
  • status - Show app status
  • storage - Provision and manage Tigris object storage buckets
    • create - Provision a Tigris object storage bucket
    • dashboard - Visit the Tigris dashboard
    • destroy - Permanently destroy a Tigris object storage bucket
    • list - List your Tigris object storage buckets
    • status - Show details about a Tigris storage bucket
    • update - Update an existing Tigris object storage bucket
  • tokens - Manage API tokens
    • 3p - Manage third-party (3P) caveats for API tokens
    • attenuate - Attenuate API tokens
    • create - Create API tokens
    • debug - Debug API tokens
    • list - List tokens
    • revoke - Revoke tokens
  • version - Show version information for the flyctl command
    • upgrade - Checks for available updates and automatically upgrades
  • volumes - Manage Fly Volumes.
    • create - Create a new volume for an app.
    • destroy - Destroy one or more volumes.
    • extend - Extend a volume to the specified size.
    • fork - Fork the specified volume.
    • list - List the volumes associated with an app.
    • show - Show the details of the specified volume.
    • snapshots - Manage volume snapshots.
    • update - Update a volume for an app.
  • wireguard - Commands that manage WireGuard peer connections
    • create - Add a WireGuard peer connection
    • list - List all WireGuard peer connections
    • remove - Remove a WireGuard peer connection
    • reset - Reset WireGuard peer connection for an organization
    • token - Commands that managed WireGuard delegated access tokens
    • websockets - Enable or disable WireGuard tunneling over WebSockets