fly machine clone

Clone a Fly Machine


fly machine clone [machine_id] [flags]


-a,  --app                           Application name 
     --attach-volume                 Existing volume to attach to the new Machine in the form of <volume_id>[:/path/inside/machine] 
     --clear-auto-destroy            Disable auto destroy setting on the new Machine 
     --clear-cmd                     Set empty CMD on the new Machine so it uses default CMD for the image 
-c,  --config                        Path to application configuration file 
     --cpus                          Number of CPUs 
     --detach                        Return immediately instead of monitoring deployment progress 
     --from-snapshot                 Clone attached volumes and restore from snapshot, use 'last' for most recent snapshot. The default is an empty volume. 
     --host-dedication-id            The dedication id of the reserved hosts for your organization (if any) 
     --memory                        Memory (in megabytes) to attribute to the VM 
     --name                          Optional name for the new Machine 
     --override-cmd                  Set CMD on the new Machine to this value 
-r,  --region                        The target region (see 'flyctl platform regions') 
     --select                        Select from a list of machines 
     --standby-for                   Comma separated list of Machine IDs to watch for. You can use '--standby-for=source' to create a standby for the cloned Machine. 
     --vm-cpu-kind                   The kind of CPU to use ('shared' or 'performance') 
     --vm-cpukind                    The kind of CPU to use ('shared' or 'performance') 
     --vm-cpus                       Number of CPUs 
     --vm-gpu-kind                   If set, the GPU model to attach (a100-pcie-40gb, a100-sxm4-80gb, l40s, a10) 
     --vm-gpukind                    If set, the GPU model to attach (a100-pcie-40gb, a100-sxm4-80gb, l40s, a10) 
     --vm-gpus                       Number of GPUs. Must also choose the GPU model with --vm-gpu-kind flag 
     --vm-memory                     Memory (in megabytes) to attribute to the VM 
     --vm-size                       The VM size to set machines to. See "fly platform vm-sizes" for valid values 
     --volume-requires-unique-zone   Require volume to be placed in separate hardware zone from existing volumes. Default true. 

Global Options

  -t, --access-token string   Fly API Access Token
      --debug                 Print additional logs and traces
      --verbose               Verbose output